Thursday, July 28, 2016

How to share a collection of photos using Google PHOTOS

How to create an album to share photos and videos
-- you don't need Facebook
-- You don't need a blog
-- Use

See the PLAYLIST of the Free Website Project
Thank you for learning the steps to take to set up a free website.
Here are some links to learn more about the project
Integrate school and community (you don't want to warehouse kids away from the world)
integrate head and hand, across income layers.

Larry Rosenstock
Tomas Jefferson:  the purpose of public schools is to create a public.

More about projects and how they fit with "free websites"
High Tech High started as a school built around projects.  It made sense to keep track of the results of the projects with portfolios... and paper files got messy, so why not put the projects on the Internet?  

The challenge for teachers in a non-project school is "how do we change the culture of a school?"  We could try "top down" or "bottom up."
Top down:  Training for teachers (who are already pressed to include 12 hours of curriculum into 5 or 6 teaching hours each day).   What kind of training about "building digital portfolios" would you give teachers?

Bottom up:  Some students take the lead and other  students copy. This involves virtually no input from the teachers.  The Free Website Project evolved from the idea that "kids will find a way to do cool things" (Facebook, instagram and snapchat were not imposed top down on kids).  How can we entice "early adopters" to start building websites?  
What percent of the student body will eventually adopt "free website" if 1% of the students are trained to make a free website?

The Instagram argument
Who taught teens to get onto snapchat, vine or instagram?

Source of this table

The argument in favor of the "bottom up"approach to introducing "free websites to students" is clear:  
1.  Schools might not have time in the day for training or funds for hiring trainers for staff
2.  Many teachers don't choose to use projects and would prefer not to take times 

If you would like to become a "student advisor" and support other students with your expertise, call (954) 646 8246.  Ask for Steve McCrea.

"I made something really cool and people came to see it."  Mike Strong in a video at Teacher Channel

See the playlist 

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