Friday, December 2, 2016

The Second Phone (WIFI only, no SIM card, no monthly cost, a pre-owned phone) and 500 apps: What apps would you put on your second phone?

Someday, with 64 GB of storage on a mobile's card, we can see 500 apps.

What will some of those apps include?
That's the theme of this post.  What apps would you put on your second phone?   Part of your digital portfolio is "WHAT DO YOU CARRY ON YOUR PHONE?"   students can start building a free website.  This is perhaps the single most useful tip in this list.  I will repeat it.   Tony Wagner of Harvard University has stated that the cheapest innovation that schools can introduce is to ask students to set up a website to display their accomplishments.   What can you do with what you have learned?  (That's the key question.  Not, "What is your SAT score?" or "What is your GPA?")

The single most important thing you could do tomorrow for little to no money is have every student establish a digital portfolio where they collect their best work as evidence of their skills. Where they’re working with their teachers and other adults to present their best work, to iterate their best work, so that they actually have real progress they can show.   -- TONY WAGNER



If you are interested in hearing my latest applications of apps and how they might assist your students. let me know.  I have recently added a second telephone and I currently have over 50 apps on the memory card.  The phone is used and works only in wifi and has no monthly charges

i particularly like the fast processing that is required with Math Workout and the vocabulary processing in Spread the Words SAT.   

Math workout free

Spread the words, free (volume 2)

Spread the words, free  (volume 1)

Students are encouraged to obtain a SECOND phone that will not have a monthly contract (no SIM card).  The phone will have app installed

Offline writing on Google Docs is possible with the Google Docs app

Google Drive is available in Wifi

Photos Google app
Students should record parts of the teacher's lectures that are important to the student.  The student can also record his/her own performances of understanding and perhaps the reocrdings of teams (with their permission) because teens often learn more from another student.

Google Drive.   Doesn't every phone come with Google Drive?  Do people use it?

EverNote to keep notes

Translate Google app  Download the dictionary so you can have access to the dictionary when you are away from WIFI
I currently have Arabic Spanish, Russian and Portuguese on this download.  What's the next language?

Duo lingo app to improve another language

If you have an app that you think would be a good addition to this group of apps, let me know.  I want to spread the idea of TWO PHONES, one for WIFI only and only for Apps.

Connectivity is important to encourage world citizenship and responsible digital connection.  If you are connected, then you can respond.
If you want to be responsible and want to make a difference and have an impact, then get a second phone and connect with
Messenger is optional (I found the little message photo annoying)

Satellite app (keep looking up)
edX for online learning
CellWorld to review Biology

Yelp to leave reviews.
How about leaving a review and becoming a Google Local Guide?

Free Drive storage offer for Local Guides

If you become a Local Guide Level 4+, you can receive free Google Drive storage for one year.

STEP 1: Sign up to join Local Guides

STEP 2: Become a Local Guide Level 4+

Your Local Guides level depends on the number of points you've earned. Currently, you can unlock Level 4 benefits at 200 points. Learn more

STEP 3: Get free Drive storage

Once you reach Local Guides Level 4+, you can visit your Local Guides profile page to redeem your free Drive storage.

Frequently asked questions about Google Local Guides

Uber (are you ready to call for a lift?)


IN ADDITION to the APPS for a Second Phone,  there is the idea for CHROMEBOOKS for the classroom.

What apps would make sense for a ChromeBook?  These are extensions for the Chrome Book

Canva for designing posters (to create visual impact and to highlight an important idea from history, science, English class, a novel, a movie, or anything that the student wants to "hype" or draw attention to).  Canva as a tool for expression and performances of understanding.


Other projects include the list of requirements for a high school diploma, including

the swim test (at least float)
how to change a car tire
speaking at least 5 phrases in another language
a performance of understanding or exhibition (spoken presentation, recorded and available for public viewing)
Portfolios to show past work.

Coalition to add portfolios and exhibitions to the High School Graduation path in Florida   Students can start building a free website.  This is perhaps the single most useful tip in this list.  I will repeat it.   Tony Wagner of Harvard University has stated that the cheapest innovation that schools can introduce is to ask students to set up a website to display their accomplishments.   What can you do with what you have learned?  (That's the key question.  Not, "What is your SAT score?" or "What is your GPA?")

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